VEF - Venezuelan Bolivar Rates

VEF, Venezuelan Bolivar Rates:

Name: Venezuelan Bolivar

Symbol: Bs. céntimo: ¢

Minor Unit:
1/100 = céntimo

VEF Profile

Inflation: 56.2%

Nicknames: bolo(s), luca(s)

Freq Used: Bs.1, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢
Rarely Used: 5¢, 1¢, 12.5¢

Freq Used: Bs.2, Bs.5, Bs.10, Bs.20, Bs.50, Bs.100

Central Bank:
Banco Central de Venezuela

Users: Venezuela

On January 2010, the government of Venezuela created a two-tiered official exchange rate system. Imports designated as "non-essential" receive a rate of 4.3 bolivares per dollar, and "essential" goods are exchanged at a rate of 2.6. There is also a third and unofficial exchange rate in the black market valued at around 6.8 bolivares per dollar (March 2010).

The Venezuelan government decides what "essential" goods qualify for the 2.6 rate. They include imports for sectors related to food, health, education, equipment, and technology; remittances to relatives settled abroad; students' academic expenses abroad; expenses related to health, sport, culture, and scientific investigations; payments to retired and resident pensioners abroad; and currency conversions related to diplomatic activities. Full details (in Spanish) can be found through the Central Bank of Venezuela.